Church & Chapel
All Saints Preschool is a ministry of All Saints Episcopal Church. Founded in 1963, its strong ties to the church have helped the school grow and thrive through the years. Members of the church serve on the Preschool Board and help guide decision making about the best interests of the school. We are blessed to share the beautiful All Saints campus with the church and are happy to have a home here.

Our 3s and 4s classes visit the Narthex every other week for a Chapel lesson. Led by Reverend Ben or other church leaders, Chapel consists of child-friendly Bible stories and songs. Classes sit on the floor and eagerly share their ideas and make connections with what they have learned. One of the most exciting parts of Chapel is the selection of a candle helper...there is no greater honor on a Chapel day!
Although all are welcome at All Saints Church, membership is not a requirement to attend the Preschool. If you have a faith home elsewhere, you are still always welcome to attend special events at All Saints Church such as the Oyster Roast, Advent Celebration, Christmas Pageant, or Easter Egg Hunt. If you would like more information on joining the church, you can reach out to Winston Hazlegrove, Parish Administrator at whazlegrove@allsaintsrichmond.org

Each summer, All Saints Church offers a Vacation Bible School session. This experience is widely attended by preschool families and is a wonderful way to connect the preschool setting to an early church experience. Look for registration opportunities in April each year for this special week.