Miss Anne's Music & Movement Classes
In 2016, Ms. Anne started Miss Anne’s Music & Movement classes and has been at All Saints Episcopal Preschool ever since! She teaches music and movement classes each week to the preschool classes and offers drop-in music and movement classes outside at All Saints Episcopal Church that are open to the community. She loves being a part of the staff and looks forward to many more years of singing and dancing at All Saints Preschool! Miss Anne shares her talents with each of our classes once a week in our special Studio space. From drums to triangles, conga lines to the Elmo Slide, you never know what you'll see and hear in Miss Anne's Music Class!

Ms. Anne taught for 8 years in preschool programs for Richmond Public Schools and Henrico County Public Schools. Before teaching in public schools, she worked in daycares and 6 years as a nanny for a family. She has also been in local bands, a wedding DJ, and was very active in school and church choirs in her younger days. After staying home for 2 years with her triplets, she decided to return to teaching by combining her love of music and her love of teaching preschool!
In 2021, drop-in classes were moved outside to the beautiful courtyard at All Saints Episcopal Church, which allows for bigger class sizes and more movement and fun! Our students love to attend Miss Anne's drop -in classes when they aren't in school and during the summer! Miss Anne plans developmentally appropriate songs and activities that are both fun for our students and great for their brains! They might be practicing patterns, letter identification, rhyming, color and number words...all in the span of a 30 minute class!

Drop-in Class Schedule:
Tuesdays: 10 AM & 11 AM
Wednesdays: 9:30 AM & 10:30 AM
Fridays: 10 AM & 11 AM
Make sure to check Miss Anne's instagram @missannesmusicandmovement
for any weather related delays or cancellations
Drop-in Class Rates:
$10 for first child
$5 for each additional child