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Please fill out the returning student information form below. If you would rather fill it out by hand and turn it in to the school, use the button below to download the form and print it out.

Current Student Info Form

Child Information
Parent/Guardian Information
Permission to Pick-up Information

List all who you give permission (other than anyone listed in the Parent/Guardian section above) to pick up your child from All Saints Preschool.

I give my permission for the above listed person(s) to pick-up my child from school. Please sign below.

Emergency Contact Information

If we cannot reach you in the event of emergency or illness, please list local adults we may contact (such as grandparents, friends, or nannies).

I give my permission for the above listed person(s) to be an emergency contact and have the ability to pick-up my child from school in case I cannot be reached. Please sign below.

Emergency Treatment Permission

I hereby give permission for All Saints Episcopal Preschool staff to authorize emergency medical treatment for my child. I assume the responsibility for payment of any such treatment. Further, I release the preschool staff and All Saints Episcopal Church from liability in the event of accident of injury to my child beyond their control.

Emergency Text Messages

We are using an automated message service to send a text message in case of school closure due to inclement weather or other emergencies. Please provide the cell numbers you would like to receive the message.

Medical Information

Please fill out information below for each child attending All Saints Preschool this year.

Child 1
Epi-Pen required at school?
Inhaler required at school?
Child 2
Epi-Pen required at school?
Inhaler required at school?
Child 3
Epi-Pen required at school?
Inhaler required at school?
COVID Waiver

I acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and that the CDC and many other public health authorities still recommend practicing social distancing. I further acknowledge that All Saints Episcopal Preschool has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I further acknowledge that All Saints Episcopal Preschool can not guarantee that I or my child will not become infected with the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, All Saints Episcopal Preschool staff, and other preschool students and their families. I voluntarily seek the services provided by All Saints Episcopal Preschool and acknowledge that I am increasing my and my child’s risk of exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I acknowledge that I must comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread while my child is attending preschool.

Parent Handbook & Orientation

I understand that the All Saints Episcopal Parent Handbook is available for viewing on the school website under 'Prospective Families' or 'Current Families' tabs. I have read the policies in the handbook, and have also been given an orientation to the preschool (tour of facility (either in person or virtually), questions answered, etc.). I understand that I will have an additional opportunity to learn about the school at Back to School night in September.

Photo Release

Photos of children may be used on bulletin boards, throughout the school, in school newsletters, on the school's social media, website, and on marketing materials. Names will never be used with photos. I understand that no fees, royalties, or compensation for my child's image will be paid to me. Teachers may choose to share photos of the children in the classroom via a password protected photo sharing site (Homeroom).

Preschool Directory Information

Each fall, we publish a preschool directory to be given out to each family in the school. The purpose of this directory is to give parents needed information to arrange play dates, send birthday party invitations, etc.. This information is NOT to be used for any commercial solicitations. We will publish name, address, phone and primary email address unless you specifically request that information should be withheld.


Please check the box below if you do NOT want to be included in the Preschool Directory.

Teaching Positions (Lead, Assistant, and/or Substitute)

Many parents enjoy being on our Substitute Teacher list. This is a paid position ($45.00 per day) and you may choose the classes with whom you feel most comfortable working. If you are interested in having your name on our substitute list, please fill out the information below.

Some of our parents have a background in the field of education and would like to be considered for a teaching position, should we have any openings. Please indicate your interest in a permanent position below.

Interest in permanent teaching postion?
Parent Volunteers/Room Parent Interest

Our school is so lucky to have an amazing community of parents and families who help us throughout the year. If you or a family member would like to be considered for volunteer opportunities, please check below which ones you have interest in.

I'm interested in helping in the following areas:
I'm interested in helping in the following areas:

Thank you for submitting your student information form for the upcoming year!

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